•Benefits: may ease symptoms of menopause, PMS, postpartum. Helps balance hormones. Using this women can increase levels of progesterone and estrogen.
•Use: massage into chest, neck, breasts, abdomen, inner arms or thighs.
Counting the first day of your period as Day 1 commence applying 1/4 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon (0.625g) am and pm from Day 5 then increase to 1/2 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon (1.25g) from Day 19 to Day 28 stopping on Day 28.
Your period should then come and the day your period arrives is again Day 1 and you would recommence using the cream from Day 5 as above.
If a period doesn’t arrive after stopping the cream on Day 28 begin the cream again 5 days later which becomes Day 5 of your new cycle.
However remember whenever you experience a period with normal blood flow that day is always Day 1 and you would stop using the cream and count to Day 5 again.
If you experience spotting mid cycle continue with the cream until Day 28 or until you experience a full period with normal blood flow if that day is before Day 28.
Please be aware you may initially experience heightened symptoms as the nutrien are addressing underlying problems, this experience is often referred to as a 'healing crisis'.
If you are experiencing intermittent periods accompanied with hot flushes and night sweats we suggest you follow the 'Help to Reduce occurrence of Menopausal Symptoms' protocol
Start on Day 12 with 1/4 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon (0.625g) am and pm then and increase from Day 19 to Day 28 with 1/2 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon ( 1.25g).
A period should then come and you would recommence the cream on Day 12.
Counting the first day of your period as Day 1, commence applying 1/4 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon (0.625g) am and pm from Day 7 through to Day 20 and then 1/2 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon (1.25g) through to Day 28 then stopping the cream.
Your period may come the next day which would be Day 1 and you will recommence the cream on Day 7.
If a period doesn't arrive count to Day 7 and recommence using the cream as above.
Women who haven't had a period for several months and don't know when to start using the cream may start at any time counting the day you begin as Day 7 and follow the above protocol.
We would expect menopausal symptoms to decrease in both intensity and frequency and disappear by the third month if the above protocol is closely followed.
If at any time during this period hot flushes or night sweats cause undue discomfort we suggest to massage a small amount of cream into the inside of your wrists whenever a flush or night sweat occurs.
If hot flashes or night sweats continue it may mean that insufficient cream is being used or used irregularly.
If you are a mature woman who has passed through menopause and hasn't had a period for over 12 months you are Post-Menopausal.
For the first 2 months we suggest using 1/4 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon (0.625g) am and pm every day for two months. If you are still suffering from hot flushes and night sweats we also suggest rubbing a little extra cream into the insides of your wrists whenever these occur.
After 2 months we suggest creating a cycle for yourself by the calendar month, with Day 7 being the 7th day of each month.
You would then use 1/4 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon (0.625g) am and pm for 2 weeks and then increase to 1/2 of a small 2.5ml teaspoon (1.25g) through to the end of the month, however many days in that month and then stop, recommending 7 days later.
•Ingredients: wild Yam root, vitex berry, aloe vera, vitamin e, vitamin c, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, Shea butter, cramp bark, dandelion root, castor oil
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